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Farmhouse for sale Marche - Rustico country homes

From historic perspective Farmhouses, Rustico, were the residences built in mostly rural countryside areas with some form of agricultural activity where the type of agricultural activity depends so much on the region due to climate or culturual heritage. In Italy's Marche, the farming activity would be more related to wine and olives and with less animal farming. At Moulin we have made an effort to distinguish between the various types of houses and residences but often there is overlap. This listing for Farmhouses in the Marche can include homes of seriously large proportion and also complete renovation projects. You can maximise your search results by clicking a few more property types from the Italian country menu above. The Marche is a unique region with its many countryside homes and rural properties are blending with a magnificent countryside that offers great relaxation as one experiences the medieval atmosphere with all the modern facilities that can be offered today. If a traditional farmhouse is what you are looking for please make contact with one of our agents via the property request forms. They will assist you very professionally finding a farmhouse that meets your location, price and architectural criteria.